Premarital Counseling Predicts Divorce

The big “D” can now be predicted…in premarital counseling. Premarital counseling often occurs because the couple has to do it, or they want tips and advice for a healthy relationship. Either way, learning how a couple behaves can be a major indicator for divorce. The indicator everyone seems to know is Gottman’s 4 Horsemen of…

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Prenup: No Longer Binding?

After spending nearly half a million dollars and three years fighting a bizarre prenuptial agreement, a Long Island woman has won an “unprecedented” case against her estranged millionaire husband, Peter Petrakis. Elizabeth Cioffi-Petrakis had to prove in court that she was coerced into signing the prenuptial agreement that her husband threw at her only four…

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Will Will and Kate Sign a Prenup?

According to an article in the Guardian News, “prenups still seem a bit too un-British.”  There is apparently, “no evidence that a British royal has ever signed a prenup before.”  A prenuptial agreement might make sense for Kate Middleton, daughter of business millionaires, and Prince William of Wales, who will be the first King of…

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